Faisalabad Weather Today
Current Conditions
Faisalabad is currently experiencing clear skies and mild temperatures. The current temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, with a relative humidity of 50%. The wind is blowing from the northeast at 10 kilometers per hour.
The UV index is currently at 7, which is considered high. It is recommended to wear sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors.
Forecast for the Day
The forecast for the day is for continued clear skies and mild temperatures. The high temperature will reach 28 degrees Celsius, with a low of 18 degrees Celsius.
There is a 10% chance of rain in the afternoon.
Extended Forecast
The extended forecast for Faisalabad is for mostly sunny skies and mild temperatures for the next week.
There is a slight chance of rain on Thursday and Friday, but otherwise the weather is expected to be dry.